Sir Edmund Hillary, a name may not ring a bell to you, passed away today (11 January 2008 in his part of the world). He wasn’t an Imagineer, or animator, or even an actor. So far as I was able research, he had no ties, whatsoever, to anything remotely Disney. Except this:

Animal Kingdom’s Expedition Everest, to be more specific the mountain from which this adventure takes its name, Mount Everest. Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man to ever scale Mount Everest. He reached the summit on 29 May 1953. Even with such a tremendous task under his belt, he didn’t regard himself as a phenomenal climber, “I don’t regard myself as a cracking good climber. I’m just strong in the back. I have a lot of enthusiasm and I’m good on ice.”
A true explorer and legend, living true life adventures, what more could you really ask for out of any life.
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