I thought I would write today about something that bridges two subjects, each covered in resplendent fashion elsewhere, as both a homage to two friends of the Main Street Gazette and as a showcase for a brilliant piece of Disney history. The two blogs I speak of are
Disneyana World, which is currently on hiatus until June 6th, and Princess Fee’s
Medallions have commemorated many occasions, both ingenious and non-event events, within the history of the Disney theme parks. Below is one such medallion. It was bestowed upon Cast Members in a nondescript dark blue envelope to coincide with the opening of EuroDisney, now Disneyland Resort Paris. Alongside the medallion was a letter from Judson Green explaining the medallion’s, EuroDisney’s, and each individual Cast Member’s significance in the history and future of the Disney Company.

Disneyana World may currently be idling, be sure to check out all of the astonishing pieces of Disney memorabilia available for you to gawk at there. As for
DF’82, I do not believe you could find a finer Princess than Fee to give you a personally guided tour of Disneyland Resort Paris, I know George and I already have our bags packed!
Yes, I am already brushing up for the visit!
Où est la salle de bains?
I have the coin for Disneyland's Year of a Million Dreams, maybe that'll be worh a post when everybody forgot about this beloved marketing celebration :)
Aw such a lovely mention - thank you, Ryan!!
And I'm so jealous at the coin you have - I don't suppose I could give you a knighthood in exchange for it? ;)
George - Le salle de bains sont derrière le château dedans 'Fantasyland'
George and Fee, just to put a humorous preschool spin on things: "Merci, mon enfant a une couche-culotte humide et nous sommes censés rencontrer Mickey en cinq minutes."
As for knighthood, that is an extremely tempting offer...hmm...
I'd love to see that coin as well Cheribibi!
The Quest for P.F. Knighthood can only be completed after an arduous and tortuous crusade to recover the sword from all Magic Kingdoms! And you must return with special candies for the Princess.
Well, that's one: http://bp3.blogger.com/_jv-dS4NpxPE/SDhbTwqe_AI/AAAAAAAAA_o/stS7u9YRSSk/s1600-h/Sword+in+the+Stone+B%26W.jpg
The only problem with these swords is that they're always encased in some sort of stone! Mighty inconvenient...
Ryan - I had to have a look at the dictionary for part of that sentence and I have not stopped laughing since!
As for the P.F. Knighthood - that picture shows that Ryan is having a very good try at it...although the special candies are definitely a must!
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