Dear Guest,
Wednesday, October 20th will be a memorable day at the Japan Pavilion in the World Showcase, in the EPCOT Center. We will be starting the day with a Dedication Ceremony from 10:00 a.m. Afterwards, beginning from 11:00 a.m., we will be having a Naorai (Shinto Ceremony) to bless our new home, here in Orlando.
The Dedication Ceremony and Naorai will underscore the objective of our pavilion: To further educate visiting guests on the Japanese Culture and what Japan is today.
From 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., we will be hosting a Buffet Lunch Reception on the 2nd floor of the Mitsukoshi Restaurant.
Please plan to come early and enjoy the day. We hope to be seeing you on October20th.
Shigeru Kawase
Executive Vice President
Naorai - A meal consisting of a festival’s offerings, after said festival has concluded. A naorai starts with the host/leader/person in charge presenting the food and drink, followed by the pouring of a sacred drink. Subsequently, naorai music is performed before the host removes the dishes. The naorai has been performed since ancient times.
Shinto – The native religion of Japan, it was at one time the state religion. Shinto is commonly translated to mean “The Way of the Gods,” and is a collection of ceremonies and processes that facilitate the relations between humans and kami (spirits, often mistranslated as gods/deities). Shinto has, and shows, a great love and reverence for nature.
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