Throughout the holiday season, Walt Disney World, its four theme parks, and resorts are filled with edible displays. Molding sugar, chocolate, sugar, and, of course, gingerbread fill lobbies and hidden corners alike. Though the most famous of the gingerbread houses resides in the Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, another tempting, although not as well-known or sought after, residence fills the front of the Liberty Inn.
Just like the baked goods that are filling most of our homes right now, this gingerbread house has obviously been prepared with a lot of love, among other oversized ingredients. In fact, the American Inn gingerbread installment consists of 820 lbs of sugar, 470 lbs of flour, 150 lbs of chocolate chips, 135 lbs of butter, 1,040 eggs, and 2 lbs of baking soda. According to records on how the house is prepared, the ingredients are all combined and then baked in a very large oven. And, as is stated right near the house itself, we are invited to “enjoy this American tradition, but please no tasting.”
A Christmas message from Richard on board the Viewliner Limited:
May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note
and make way for a fresh and bright new year.
Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Oh come on, they wouldn't notice a small corner missing;-)
Here's to a Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous new year! Keep up the great work in 2009...
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