The Eastern Star Railway borders the town of Harambe and the Harambe Wildlife Reserve. In fact, a look at the Harambe Wildlife Reserve map above, shows the route the train takes entering and departing the area. While guests at Disney’s Animal Kingdom can only board the Eastern Star line that transports them to Rafiki’s Planet Watch and Conservation Station, a look around Harambe Station hints at other stops along the railway, as well as to why those station are currently closed.
It is common practice for railway stations, like interstate rest areas, to post delays or closings for the observant traveler. These closures along the Eastern Star Railway are decided by the railway and the Harambe Town Council whenever they feel a situation requires caution or bas become dangerous. Currently, the Bwanga station is closed in addition to the line to Shabi. In the case of Bwanga, the station has been closed due to erosion of the tracks. In Shabi, the situation is more as a precaution, as the area has been stricken by an outbreak of Kipindupindu. For those of you, like myself, who are not fluent in Swahili, Kipindupindu is cholera, an intestinal disease which can be fatal to those who contract it.
The responsibility of the Eastern Star Railway and the Harambe Town Council shows that they are looking for more than your fare, they are looking out for your well-being and for one another. When they state that, “It is the right of railway travelers to receive the highest level of facilitation at this station,” you can rest assured that this is a promise they don’t take lightly.
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