“The inclination of my life – the motto, you might call it – has been to do things and make things which will give pleasure to people in new and amusing ways. By doing that I please and satisfy myself. It is my wish to delight all members of the family, young and old, parent and child, in the kind of entertainment my associates and I turn out of our studio in Burbank, California. I think all artists – whether they paint, write, sing or play music, write for the theater or movies, make poetry or sculpture – all of these are first of all pleasure-givers. People who like to bring delight to other people, and hereby gain pleasure and satisfaction for themselves.”
--Walt Disney
As likely most of you know, today is Walt’s birthday. Today we celebrate the one-hundred and eighth anniversary of the birth of Walt Disney the visionary, Walt Disney the storyteller, Walt Disney the pioneer, Walt Disney the man. It is hard, in a way, to celebrate the life of someone most of us only know through books, other people’s memories, and recorded interviews, but in that light we begin to collect the various pieces of his life and come away with a whole picture of Walt Disney.
Walt only wanted to do right by the families he sought to entertain. Believing that they deserved more, Walt found ways, or created the avenues, in which to provide such quality. He never wished to repeat himself, and he always kept moving forward. There is a lot to be gleamed from this determination, respect for the family (no matter what the family-unit happened to look like), imagination, and ingenuity. To be even part of the man Walt Disney was would be a great man, and indeed in our leaders, colleagues, and friends we tend to seek out the qualities once inherent to Walt Disney and his accomplices.
Happy Birthday Walt!
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