For the past year, I have been on a mission. A mission to sample delectable desserts and, when fully stuffed, cap off the evening with the bursting of firework shells set in time with classic Disney compositions. In short, I have been trying to attend the Wishes Fireworks Dessert Party held at the Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station.
Even though I would call the morning extensions were announced, I never seemed to be able to secure a table. The problem? I was dining solo, and the smallest table size for this dessert extravaganza was a table for two. Now, while I can eat myself silly, I don’t believe I have the available stomach space to justify paying for a table for two. So, when a good friend of mine told me that she would be down last month, and she would have her daughter with her, my first question was, “Do you guys want to do the Wishes Dessert Party?” With an affirmative response, the table was booked and we were on our way!
Arrival time was at 9:00pm, but we arrived about fifteen minutes early, and a small line of other participants had already gathered. We were given wristbands that allowed us to come and please as we like and, promptly at 9:00pm sharp, we were escorted to our table which had been assigned to us prior to our arrival and came complete with festive confetti (more on that later) and a placecard. We were instructed as to where the drink station was, which came complete with coffee, tea (hot and cold), and lemonade, but our eyes were already securely locked on the desserts!
The spread that evening included:
Glazed Donut Holes
Chocolate-covered Strawberries
Chocolate Peanut Butter Tarts
Raspberry Tarts
Confetti Cupcakes
Classic Cheesecake
Chocolate Cheesecake
Pistachio Crème Brulee
Banana Cream Tarts
Kiwi Orange Tarts
Strawberry Berry Tarts
Canoe Cookies
Mango Shooters
Tiramisu Glasses
Assorted Cookies and Chocolates
It is sufficient to say there was more than enough food to fill even the heartiest of eaters. While I did not eat one of everything, I did, at the very least, sample one of each dessert and I went back for some of my favorites. All in the name of research, of course! Every sweet treat I put in my mouth was delicious, even the tiramisu, which I am not normally a fan of, prompted me back for a second bite. The real winners, to my palate, were the canoe cookies, mango shooters, and pistachio crème brulee. The canoe cookies were soft finger-shaped cookies with a strip of preserve running the length of the hollowed out cookie. The mango shooters are precisely what they sound like, small cups filled with mango puree, topped with whipped cream, and served with a small, thick straw. The pistachio crème brulee was served in a miniature tea cup and had that perfect combination of creamy filling and charred sugar that make for an intriguing texture for the taste buds.
Before I continue, I feel I need to say a few words about the Cast Members who were on hand for the party. First of all, empty or discarded plates did not rest on the table very long, and everyone had a genuine smile for guests when they spoke with them. Two Cast Members stand out, however. First, the Cast Member who told me that next time let them know I would like to photograph the spread, and that they would allow me in early to get pictures before everyone mobs the desserts. Second, the small girl I was with was in love with the Mickey and Castle-shaped confetti that was sprinkled on the tabletops. So much so, that she was less concerned with the desserts and actually wanted to venture off to other tables to ask other guests if she could have their confetti for her collection. I asked one of the Cast Members if it would be possible to procure a small handful of the confetti. In no time the Cast Member returned with a child-sized cup which was filled halfway with the confetti, she told me, “I understand, this stuff is better than gold at that age!” The more interactions I have with Cast Members, the more of the shining spirit I see, but the Wishes Dessert Party Cast Members from that evening were truly something extra special.
Without moving to the railing, there are a few bursts that can be missed during Wishes from the Tomorrowland Terrace Noodle Station. However, not having to jostle for position, seeing Tinker Bell land right on top of you, and having a comfortable place to sit more than make up for a few high in the sky eruptions, especially if you have seen Wishes countless times before.
Afterwards, there is no rush to clear guests from the area. In fact, during the fireworks, all of the desserts are condensed down into one section, with the extraneous sections having been rolled away, for guests who still have an appetite for a smackerel of something sweet.
Aside from the frustration of not being able to book a table for one, I was thoroughly impressed with the variety of desserts and beverages, the Cast Members, and the party overall. This is definitely one experience I recommend for couples or families, and one that I am sure to partake in again myself!