Coffee has been a rollercoaster topic for guests of Walt Disney World for years now. While the well designed coffees available for purchase have been a best buy, if only for their packaging, the cups of joe available around the resort have, for the most part, left tastebuds wanting. This, however, has never been a debate I have wandered into because, as it so happens, I am not a coffee drinker. Tea, on the other hand, is right up my alley. Recently, Wonderland Tea has been making its way home and into the tea pots of guests around the world.
I picked up a sample package during a trip to Walt Disney World earlier this year, and decided now is the best time to put together a review of the twelve teas available. To set the stage, or table as the case may be, I brewed all the teas according the hot instructions provided (see below), without additions (milk, sugar, etc.). In between each tea sampling I cleansed my palate with water.
My Way to Make Iced Tea – by The Queen of Hearts: Don’t twiddle your fingers! Prepare tea as normal, but double the amount of tea. Once it is brewed, off with the heat! Refrigerate it until cold (curtsey while you’re refrigerating, it saves time). Serve over ice, sweeten if desired, then… let me have it!
How to Make Hot Tea (a.k.a. Uncold Tea) – by The Mad Hatter: Start at the beginning (and when you come to the end… stop). Pour hot water over one tea bag in your cup and steep for 2 to 3 minutes (we recommend your clock be two days slow). Move down the table to get a clean cup.
Disney Wonderland Tea may have only been on the market for a short period of time, but the packaging claims that it was established in 1951, the year Alice in Wonderland was released. The packaging includes the name and type of the tea as well as the guidelines for preparing the teas. Let’s take a taste, shall we?
Smell: Strong – Warm blueberry syrup
Taste: The first inclination is of a thick liquid, the aftertaste is where the blueberry flavor come through.
CHAIHue: Medium
Smell: Medium – Warm spices, feels like the late autumn or winter
Taste: All the elements of chai are here, but the expected intensity level is lacking.
EARL GREYHue: Medium
Smell: Medium – Wild flowers
Taste: The scent of flowers carries over to the taste by offering a subtle rose essence.
Smell: Mild – Earthy
Taste: The warm earth feel continues with a leafy bite.
Smell: Strong – Sweetened Vanilla
Taste: A creamy texturing of vanilla that comes and goes from the time it is sipped until swallowed.
JASMINEUnfortunately, this tea was left out of the package I received (Mango was duplicated instead). I will update this article as soon as I can obtain a Jasmine sample.
Smell: Medium – Buttercup
Taste: Naturally sweet, almost a floral bouquet, with a citrusy zest.
Smell: Medium – Roasted apples and peaches
Taste: The sensation of warm homemade fruit pies tends to come in waves.
MANGOHue: Light
Smell: Medium – Ripe mangoes
Taste: The sweet mango smell dissipates quickly and is replaced by a bitter/sour tang.
MINTHue: Medium
Smell: Strong – Peppermint
Taste: The light taste of spearmint permeates and lingers in the mouth, throat, and sinus cavity.
Smell: Light – No smell
Taste: A very mild infusion of tropical fruit flavors.
Smell: Light – No smell
Taste: The bitter bite of pomegranate is slightly overwhelming to the palate.