Even with digital cameras, for those of us using a simple point and shoot model there are photographs that continue to elude us. These white whales can evade capture for a variety of reasons, an odd angle, the scene is too dark, either the guests or the view is moving too quickly, and the list goes on and on. My unattainable photograph happens to reside in the town of Tumbleweed, right along the tracks of the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.
While riding through the dried up town aboard the runaway mine train, it is easy to get caught up in the sights and miss the sounds of the locals and local wildlife that that permeate the area. However, after catching a few tinny notes drifting out of the saloon, and there is no question that there is still one part left in Tumbleweed. Riding through the town after the sun has set makes an argument that is even more compelling, with the lanterns flicker on and the inhabitants of the Gold Dust Saloon are silhouetted upon the windows. This haven for miscreants and imbibers is the one photograph I have found nearly impossible to capture.
Considering the lighting, or lack of lighting, problem, the speed at which the train races through Tumbleweed, and the close proximity of the trains to the saloon, this photograph has taken me a long time to acquire. The solution? Take the Walt Disney World Railroad from the Frontierland Station, sit near the front of the train, and do so just as dusk settles, when the lights have come on, but there is still a little light in the sky.
That brings us to the question of the day: What is your photographic white whale, and have you captured it yet?
My 'white whale' is the Tron-O-Rail (lol). Everytime I go to take a picture of it, either the battery dies, it passes behind a massive amount of trees, or it just seemingly disappears.
I would love to get a picture of Cinderella's Castle from the tip top of Splash Mountain just before the drop. What a view - So beautiful! I'm just so afraid of getting my camera wet that it's always tucked away safe and secure.
Mine has been the sign at the railroad crossing of the Adventureland backstage road. There is a shack titled "Desperation" and there's a sign pointing directions to different places. I've been unable to capture a legible photograph of the sign.
Cody - That's funny. I remember when I was down in April that was one of the only photographs I wanted. By the end of the trip I had taken so many photos of it I started to shrug it off... Good luck in your quest!
Danell - I know the feeling. I got a half decent shot once, and immediately doubled over, with the camera up my shirt, before we hit the bottom.
SeaCastle - This is one of the shots that I put on my must capture list for this upcoming trip. I'll let you know if I get it or not...
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