Postcards made a great way to send back a fleeting image of a trip, but it was just that, a single image. One of the more creative souvenirs/advertising campaigns guests paid for was a folder of postcard images, many that were postcards in their own right, which could be sent just like a single postcard.
Well, here, I’ll let the postcard folder from the Vacation Kingdom speak for itself.

Ok Ryan,
First I love your site, and have been a daily reader since "almost day 1". But I have a question. In the Adventureland postcard looking toward Tiki's, there is a bridge to the left, between the Dole Whip building, and the treehouse. I have never seen this bridge, what is it for? Where did it go?
I love these pics, especially the aerial shot of the area. Interesting how there was a perfect square jutting into the lagoon where Grand Floridian is today...
Joe, thanks so much for the kind words! And don't worry about "almost day 1," the only people reading that long are probably related to me!
As for your question, the bridge is still there, it is actually the exit bridge for the Swiss Family Treehouse. Today, however, the vegetation has obscured this view!
Deej, the theme may have changed from those early days, but they definitely had plans for a resort there, didn't they?
Absolutely did. If I recall correctly there was to be one there, and also in the area between TTC and Contemporary. I think sinkholes torpedoed that option...
DUH!!! I feel stupid, i know the bridge now. I have walked across that bridge many times. I love seeing the "world" in the early years. It is amazing how lush it is now, and just how raw it was at first.
Ryan, you do an amazing job with the site, while working full time, juggling time with your lovely wife; we are lucky to have someone like you to deliver our daily Disney fix.
Best to you, and keep these articles coming, they make my day!
What an amazing find!!! I really enjoyed these. Thank you so much for sharing!
Wow, those postcards are really amazing! I love vintage Disney photos and artwork. I'm hoping they bring back some vintage poster reproductions for the 40th - they are getting harder and harder to find.
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