In case you haven’t noticed, I’m particularly fond of vintage Walt Disney World press photos. In fact, they make up the bulk of the World of Yesterday articles. I feel as if they are tidy, little windows into the past that I can throw a boulder of information through! However, sometimes things come along that simply knock my socks off!
Vacationland gave me a gorgeous map, a passion of mine, and an educational component I cherished as a smaller version of myself. This article, and many of the World of Yesterday, allows me to enjoy a moment I’ll never remember, that first introduction to Walt Disney World. Can you imagine if this map were your first glimpse of Walt Disney World? It safe to bet you’d be hooked for life, right?
Back when I was a kid in elementary school, I always looked forward to Fridays. Sure, there were spelling tests and once free from school there was a whole weekend to explore, but one of my favorite parts of Friday was when the teacher handed out a new edition of Weekly Reader.

Going back even further, the summer edition of Weekly Reader from 1971 gave children a peak at what was coming from a little Disney project in central Florida. The cover shows a child constructing his own castle and encouraging his dog to help out as opening day was only two months away. The interior article featured three construction images and a brief description to whet the appetite of vacation hungry students.
The real joy of this issue, however, comes from the perfectly gorgeous map of the park, monorails and Contemporary Resort. The attraction names weren’t released with the publication, listing instead Car Ride, Tree House and Resort Hotel, but the spirit of what the Magic Kingdom was and would become is definitely captured in this artwork.

I loved Weekly Readers as well. Thanks for the reminder about those Friday spelling tests :)
This is an awesome piece. Thanks for sharing. Something new for me to look for to add to my collection.
Weekly Reader was much beloved back in the sixties when I was in grammer school. This edition with the Disney World preview is amazing. What a great look into the past.
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