Chances are that the majority of us remember the 15 Years of
Magic, the celebration that included displays, parades, performances, and
giveaways that were part of the yearlong party for Walt Disney World’s 15th
birthday. Putting on festive events to celebrate milestones for parks and the
resort as a whole were a part of the very fabric of Walt Disney World’s first
two and a half decades, many times these occasions would be the uniting theme
throughout the resort for an entire year.
That is when the pendulum swung again. Realizing that as a
community we were doing more to celebrate the park than Walt Disney World was
prepared to do itself, Epcot was given a rededication ceremony, commemorative
merchandise, special IllumiNations tag, show-and-tell with Marty Sklar, and a
gallery that showcased the history of the park. Disney’s Animal Kingdom
followed suit the next year, for its 10th anniversary, by bringing in Jane
Goodall and Joe Rohde.
As D23 has continued to develop itself as the keeper of
milestones and park histories, other events, some not directly tied to a
specific date or anniversary, have begun to pepper the calendars of Disney
enthusiasts who make pilgrimages to California and Florida. Imagineers and the
work of Imagineering has been brought back to its proper place as the forefront
of theme park design and insight, with the ability to share their stories with
all who are willing to listen. But we have not yet come full circle.
To be honest, I think this past weekend’s celebration of
Epcot was a brilliant model of how to put on a party for the parks going
forward. There were wildly successful and energetic fan events, D23 put on
college level history classes taught with that perfect blend of edutainment, and
on the actual anniversary the park released collectibles and had a few special
events that were open to all. If I’m being fair, I would like to see a few more
events taking place for all guests, particularly for those who just happen to
be in the right place at the right time, to really hammer home what a magical
place Walt Disney World is.
As the resort and parks continue to grow and change, the
thinking behind how best to honor them appropriately is sure to evolve as well.
We have shown that as a community we are willing to pick up the slack that Walt
Disney World may leave hanging, but I’m not sure that it will ever come to that
again, at least not for major milestones. There are so many voices both
internally and externally driving the charge to give the parks the respect they
are due, that it is a great time to celebrate with your favorite park!
Agreed -- things are looking up. D23 is certainly a comforting presence; it's good to know that part of the company really does care about history and lifelong fans.
I hope that the celebrations continue to be fan led, rather than centrally organized. This way, they reflect the interest of those who love the parks, not what some MBA's marketing model suggests would generate the highest ROI.
I think that both D23 and fan created events both have their place. The both know what their target demographic wants, and how to put together memorable occasions.
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