04 April 2016

A Taste of Yesteryear

The expansion, or better yet repurposing, of large tracks of land throughout Disney’s Hollywood Studios is going to mean some guests are going to stay away from the park or only visit for very brief periods of time. That’s a shame, because the park still has a lot to offer, especially if you’re thinking with your taste buds! One of the signature beverages from the park comes with little in the way of description. In fact, it’s listed only as a Peanut Butter and Jelly Milk Shake.

This item is featured at 50’s Prime Time Café, but can also be obtained in the living room bar/waiting area known as Tune-In Lounge. The story of the creation of the Peanut Butter and Jelly Milk Shake is an oldie, but goodie. One of dad’s favorite foods is a classic Peanut Butter and Jelly, with grape jelly. One particularly hot afternoon, mom decided to whip him up a milk shake version of his favorite sandwich. Dad’s favorite sandwich quickly became his favorite dessert!

It’s a simple sandwich, which means that the milk shake should be simple to create, right? Absolutely! For those of you who may not have a visit to Disney’s Hollywood Studios sometime soon, here’s how it’s done.



2 Cups Vanilla Ice Cream
1/4 Cup Milk
2 Tbsps. Grape Jelly
2 Tbsps. Peanut Butter


In a blender or food processor, blend ingredients until smooth
Add additional peanut butter or jelly to taste.

The only problem you might have is scooping out cups of ice cream in proper portions, but that is as miniscule a critique as I could come up with! Otherwise, this is incredibly easy to put together. The milk shake starts out thick, but becomes thin quickly. This is the best of both worlds, and only makes you have to decide if you need to drink it quick or let it wait just a little while to thin out for you.

There is a great peanut butter flavor, but it was thin enough to ensure you don’t get the sticky, gummy feeling from peanut butter on its own. The grape jelly is sweet, and both the missus and I thought we could have added just a pinch more. I’d also consider a variety of other jellies and jams, and maybe even marmalades, to shake up this shake!

Disney’s Hollywood Studios is in a state of flux, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t reasons to still visit the park. The Peanut Butter and Jelly Milk Shake certainly fits the bill. And if you don’t happen to have a trip planned, you can whip up a batch for your family and friends (and don’t forget those cousins!) anytime!

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